Tag Archives: riding

Managing wild and crazy horse behavior

With the cold weather and difficult footing, horses become very antsy and get “cabin fever.”

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Be true to your horse

We need to stay in our own truth. Admiring experts is wonderful, but even experts can be wrong.

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Ten horsey things to be thankful for

Usually I don’t do seasonal blogs but this year, it feels special to list a number of horsey things I’m thankful for.

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Maintaining a performance horse naturally

These days we are inundated with information on how to manage our performance horse, geriatric horse, and what ever, usually from the companies that sell supplements. If there is a problem with your horse, there is probably a supplement designed for it.

Sharif paying attention to work done on his neck.  [Catherine Sobredo Photography]
Sharif paying attention to work done on his neck.
[Catherine Sobredo Photography]
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Go with the flow of equine rhythms

Much like people have mantras and chanting for their meditations, horses move and flow rhythmically. If we can watch, feel and be a part of their rhythms rather than imposing our own modern-day rushed rhythms on them, we will find they are much more likely to want to be with us, and will be curious about us.

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You Gotta Love Horse People!

Recently I had a client in my office who had a swollen ankle. She has had a swollen ankle before so I mentioned to her: rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the leg for self-care.

Self-care is a big part of my practice.  I said, “okay, if your horse’s fetlock looked like this, what would you be doing?”

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Develop a “seventh sense” in horse work

Pat Parelli says you must be “mentally, emotionally and physically fit” to handle horses. I would argue that many people who aren’t physically fit can do a lot with horses. To me the bottom line is energetics. The horse recognizes the energy in the person, and will respond to that.

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