Tag Archives: herd behavior

In the big pasture of life

Yesterday my mare Zuzka was the last to come back in from the pasture. The two boys came in willingly as they knew it was feeding time. She knew this too, but she loves grazing more than anything, even dinner.

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On the way to performance with liberty horse training

Recently liberty presentations have been a part of national competitions, such as the Extreme Mustang Makeover and just this past weekend, the American Horsewoman’s Challenge (AHC). These events require trainers to train a horse within a prescribed space of time.

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Better riding through Ortho-Bionomy on horseback

Riding is the next step in our relationship with our horse. Working with relationship on the ground comes first, then the saddle.

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Horsemanship isn’t built in a day

Holly Smith riding Roman style
Holly Smith riding Roman style

Yes, this is exciting, but don’t try this without professional guidance! You will need to know your horses inside and out and know you have the balance required to accomplish this feat!

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What do you love about your horse?

I ask this question because it is a part of the whole perspective about experiencing Liberty Horsemanship with your horse — the getting-to-know-you part that’s so important.

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Feel invisible threads of connection with your horse

The herd grazes on the high desert plains, snatching mouthfuls of grasses if there are any. When they are thirsty, they are generally thirsty as a group, because the water hole may be some distance from where they are grazing.

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That horse is gonna kill you!

This is a refrain that I heard recently from an owner who was startled by the news. It’s not new; I’ve heard it many times before, spoken to owners with horses who have some behavioral issue. What is going on here?

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Picked by a horse

Have you ever been “picked” by a horse?

Jazzie on my head

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It’s the little things with horses

The little things mean a lot with horses.

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Who is the lead horse?

In Liberty Foundation Horsemanship, we talk a lot about “leadership,” which is also talked about in other forms of horsemanship. Basically, what that means is that a person must earn the “respect” of the horse, which begins with forming “trust,” or some sort of healthy “bond.”

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