Horse trainers know that repetition is what gets a horse to learn something, and it is true with people too. We can’t learn to play the piano without doing scales, lots of them.
Continue reading Bring joy to repetition in liberty horse training
Horse trainers know that repetition is what gets a horse to learn something, and it is true with people too. We can’t learn to play the piano without doing scales, lots of them.
Continue reading Bring joy to repetition in liberty horse training
The success of people who work with horses depends a great deal on the energy they bring to the relationship, and recognizing the energy of the horse and how to respond to it. Auras are just one of the tools we can work with in horse work.
Continue reading Secret sauce in horse work: horses have auras
Have you ever encountered a horse that seems dull, uninterested in his or her surroundings, steps on your feet, seems robotic in work, or just wanders off when you’re doing an exercise?
Continue reading The thinking horse – promoting healthy curiosity in your horse
Reciprocal movement or “mirroring” – when horses mirror each other’s movement – helps horses help each other in healing and is supportive of the herd as a whole. I use this movement in horse bodywork and it is also used in liberty training – a prerequisite to dancing.
Happy New Year!
Between breaking the ice in the water tanks or dealing with tank heaters, regular maintenance such as hoof care and illnesses, there is always something to do for horses in winter. Complicating matters here in the Southwest has been the extreme cold lately. The following is an update of an article I wrote in my newsletter of January/February 2011.
Which is it: behavior or physical pain?
This question came up in a recent discussion regarding horses and is one that comes up in treatment quite frequently. My answer to this question is this: I will treat the body first and find out if there are any reasons why the horse might be experiencing discomfort. I will also ask questions about her lifestyle – whether there have been changes in living situations, feed, exercise, etc. that might impact the horse.
Some horses are very stoic and although they are lame they won’t complain about a saddle going on or being asked to work. Others may appear sluggish or balky or actually pin their ears and kick out when asked to do anything that might involve pain. They just don’t want to be messed with. If I work with the horse for awhile, problems will come up that we’ll be able to address and hopefully the behavior will go away.
If the horse is physically fit and has been checked out by a veterinarian as well, and is still experiencing what appear to be “behavioral” problems, then we need to look at what is making her unhappy. Sometimes it is the way the owner has been interacting with the horse. This doesn’t mean the owner is a bad owner, it just means possibly there is a focus on performance, or the owner is madly busy trying to pay the bills and hasn’t had any brain space to consider what the horse might need. We all find ourselves there at some point or another 🙂 Or, maybe a life change has occurred; a stablemate has gone.
An example is our horse, Patches. We purchased Patches from a Craiglist ad in August 2011 for our granddaughter, Ariana. He was advertised as a former show horse, and for the previous four years, a therapy riding horse. He knew how to do everything you asked. “Push button,” you might say. Ariana, my husband Michael and I all rode him to test him out. He was a good boy but I thought he was a little shut down, meaning I couldn’t really sense his true self.
We bought him, needless to say. He is a great horse who took some time to get adjusted because he lets other horses push him around, but he’s so big and sweet you just fall in love with him, so he had a lot of support from us. He was underweight when we got him so we packed on the groceries. Now all those patches have expanded as they do with all of us in this family. He took to everything, loving
Over the winter, I began to notice some changes in his demeanor. It felt like he wasn’t able to hold it all together. He had always been cranky about having the cinch tightened, and was worse around adults, but it got so he was cranky around the kids too. I was told this cinchiness was the reason he had lost his job as a therapy horse. No one wanted to deal with him kicking out when they cinched him up. Because I’m a bodyworker, I looked at it not as behavioral but as physical. He was very constricted in the chest and sternum area, and he was a loud breather, a “roarer” as the vet would identify it. He has an epiglottal flap that closes over the larynx and impairs breathing. I began to wonder if the problem with the cinching was in some way related to this and chest restriction. He also suffered from intermittent lameness.
Patches had been tenderfooted after trims and one day he kept lying down. The next day he was not eating, and it turned out he had pneumonia and spent the next two days after that in the horse hospital.
For his rehabilitation I worked on him a small amount each day for a couple of weeks to bring him back around. We didn’t ride him because we wanted him to not have any pressure, so took him for walks and let him graze. We did liberty work with him. To work with resistance, we set up situations that he would not have to resist.
What I also notice is that he loves to perform. He loves children and will want them in the saddle before an adult, but he is so affectionate he will put up with adults very nicely. He still has the roaring but I have him on an herbal supplement to reduce that and he is doing well.
I believe there were several things at play here. First of all, Patches may have been getting sick while he was a therapy horse, but people regarded his problems as behavioral. Some inflammation can remain residual in the body for years so he could have been sick in a way that would not show up on any tests. Secondly, not feeling well leads to a change in behavior and from that patterns emerge that may end up getting stuck and not resolve themselves without help.
When a horse begins acting crabby about something, it’s time to take stock of the whole picture, not just say, oh, he’s grouchy. Ear flattening, kicking out, biting, striking, bucking can all indicate that a horse may be experiencing pain that is unseen to us. I was recently working on a mare who travels beautifully, no lameness, no back soreness, yet when I went to lift her hind leg, she wrenched it away from me repeatedly. It has taken a couple of sessions for her to let me even touch the hind leg. There was pain at the hip and there is a small amount of atrophy in the gluteal muscles on the same side of the haunch. This is unusual for a horse that is getting good exercise and turnout. Yet attention needs to be given to this even though she travels well and isn’t lame, because it’s hurting her.
What is good about this situation is the horse can remain in training yet receive bodywork to heal from within. Already after a couple of sessions it’s much better. Sometimes, however, a horse will need to be pulled out of training just to let the body heal, either physically or mentally, or both. That’s what we did with Patches, however, we were still able to do Liberty Foundation Training with him during that healing time.
In another case, a mare didn’t want to walk fast. I felt no restriction in her body when I did bodywork on her, so we did a small amount of liberty work on her and her owner reported that she is walking out now. There are some things we can do for follow-up, to keep that enthusiasm in the walk, to keep it all lively and interesting.
This dual approach has one thing in common: in Ortho-Bionomy/Equine Positional Release bodywork, a primary focus is to “meet” the individual where they are. The same is true of the Liberty Foundation work: we start where the horse is, we do not start with our own agenda. This is why some piece of the issue can be addressed by bodywork, and another piece addressed and reinforced by the foundations.
If you think your horse would benefit from this approach, contact me to set up an appointment. 505-501-2478
(copyright Susan Smith)
In Ortho-Bionomy study we talk about the study as the “Evolvement of the Original Concept.”
Continue reading Embodiment – understanding at the cellular level
This past week I worked on Sharif, a new horse for Cindy Roper. At this time, he is probably one of the most documented horses on Facebook in Santa Fe County, as his story is astonishing. You can read about it in Leta Worthington’s blog:
Blotched Botched or Blessing – One Indian Pony’s Amazing Journey
I came in to help him with the physical/emotional problems that he has accumulated as a result of his experiences. One of the problems Sharif had, after a horrendous experience of being on a slaughter truck bound for Mexico, was that he couldn’t back up and he didn’t want to lift his hind legs. He brings his hind legs, particularly the right one, straight out to the side laterally when asked to lift a leg.
In thinking about doing this blog, I first thought, I don’t need anything else to write. I spend too much time in front of a screen as it is. I want to spend more time outdoors with my horses. But then I realized that I am posting little tidbits here and there all the time, unformed thoughts that I would like to expand on “some day.” I decided the “some day” has come. I may try to write something once a week.
Lately, I have found the merging of my Ortho-Bionomy practice for both horses and humans with the Carolyn Resnick Method liberty horsemanship work that I do. Sometimes one leads right into the other. Both are designed for healing in some way.
I began my study of Ortho-Bionomy which is based on Osteopathy approximately six years ago and prior to that, I had been studying Reflex Balancing for horses from champion reiner and cutting horse trainer and bodyworker, Art Grunig. I added to that Equine Positional Release developed by Ortho-Bionomy instructor, Zarna Carter, which is based on Ortho-Bionomy but designed for horses. These studies are all coming together to form some kind of perspective, a vision, of how to care for ourselves and our horses, and other animals. In the past three years, I’ve been drawn to the work of Carolyn Resnick, a trainer in California who is renowned for her lifelong study of herd behavior in horses. She has codified that behavior and language into a series of what she calls “Waterhole Rituals,” that are based on how horses interact and form community with one another in the wild. In so doing she has created a way for people to work with horses in a non-force, very effective way, speaking their language and learning to listen.
[youtube]What appealed to me so much about Carolyn’s work is how energetic it is. In Ortho-Bionomy, which is rooted in a strong base of structural and physiological understanding, energy is the underlying foundation in all relationships. To find someone like Carolyn who has studied the energetic relationships of horses is to me, like finding a lost key. It closes the circle for me, offers the missing piece in my role with horses. The non-force principles of Ortho-Bionomy (“less is more,” “go in the direction of ease”) fit beautifully with Carolyn’s teachings. As I continue along this path, I see the flow of these visions coming together in an exciting way.
Although it may seem that this blog is mostly about horses, it is also for and about people. A lot of the people work I do has a big impact on horses. When people change, horses change – subtle, powerful changes can make a big difference in the end.
For more information and links you can visit my website