Tag Archives: clinic

The good boy horse

The good boy horse is one who continually does what is asked. For some trainers and owners, this is exactly what they want, a horse that does not offer any challenges. For some good boy or girl horses, life is good enough that there is no need to question too much. For others, they have had their wishes trained out of them.

Photo courtesy of Katherine Hanson

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He’s not my horse

I was recently at a clinic where two people were riding schooling horses. Although this may not be the case with all bonds formed with schooling horses, the bond was not there with these two pairs.

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Flexible boundaries in horse work

The other day I was working with our gelding, Patches, on a liberty ritual that involves a pile of hay and him walking to me rather than to the hay. We then walk to the hay together, and include stops and sometimes backing up on our way there.

Patches focused on Princess
Patches focused on Princess

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