Tag Archives: animals

10 tips for working with a fearful horse

Horses are fearful by nature; they are flight animals. How we address fear in the horse has to be a very fluid and dynamic thing because not all horses will respond to the same approach. A frightened horse is potentially dangerous because they are hard wired to flee or react suddenly when frightened.

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Healing horses from 500 miles away

For a number of years now, I’ve been doing distance bodywork on horses and people. Honestly, it doesn’t matter how far away those horses are, they can still greatly benefit from this help both anatomically and physiologically.

Laurie sharing breath with Starwyn. October 2013 Spirit Horse Ranch Liberty Foundations Clinic
Laurie sharing breath with Starwyn. October 2013 Spirit Horse Ranch Liberty Foundations Clinic

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When your horse has had enough

From the standpoint of a bodyworker, when the horse has “had enough” is pretty obvious. But even so, students will continue to press on an area and worry over it even when the horse has moved away. Why don’t they see it? Feel it?

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Thinking as a herd

In the beginning there was the herd. The herd traveled as one; each member had its own thoughts but they thought as one being when deciding where to move, when to move, where to eat, to drink, what to do if a predator approached. Their days flowed together and were designed around the quest for food, shelter and space. They shared a language that consisted of body language, sounds, just thinking a desire.

Patches_and_Sophie Continue reading Thinking as a herd

What we read into what horses tell us

Recently I have been concerned about how people and horses come together, and how we “read” what horses are telling us.

khamiruths Continue reading What we read into what horses tell us

10 tips to riding horseback for the rest of your life

(Okay, if you really want to, you can get off to sleep and for meals, if you think it’s necessary.) DSC_0480 Continue reading 10 tips to riding horseback for the rest of your life

Cold hooves, warm heart – holistic equine care for the cold weather

In my previous post, I talked about physical exercises for horses during winter, to avoid “wild and crazy horse behavior.” In this post I’d like to talk about using bodywork to support your horse at any time, but I think it’s very appropriate right now, when movement is difficult for horses because of the footing and the cold weather.


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Working with all six senses and horses

Touch, hearing, sight, scent, taste: the five senses? I wrote about touch last week. It is only one sense that a horse experiences. I would also add “feel/vibrations” to the list, because it isn’t just physical touch, it’s the sixth sense that something or someone is out there, or that horses feel it through the earth.

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The importance of touch in horse work

Touch can change heart rates, calm and nourish. Touch is the way we sometimes make contact when nothing else can work. I remember being in the hospital and having someone touch me in a healing way, just touch, not trying to move me, and it made all the difference in the world. IMG_0440 Continue reading The importance of touch in horse work

Ten horsey things to be thankful for

Usually I don’t do seasonal blogs but this year, it feels special to list a number of horsey things I’m thankful for.

Sept_October 018

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