To bridge the language barrier between horse and human
Horses at Liberty Foundation Training™ is a study of herd behavior, and the horse’s natural tendencies and rhythms. The techniques designed for this work are called the Liberty Foundations™. Through our knowledge of equine communication and what sustains them, and adjusting our own energy, we can deepen our relationship with horses. Some horses recognize this work as a song from the herd, perhaps a herd they have never known. In a time when many horses are not kept in herds, and even for those who are, this work represents a paradigm shift in what horses and people can experience together.
When working with a horse at liberty, we can influence a horse from across the arena. When you recognize that sphere of influence you recognize the energetic connection. We are part of the energetic connection so we also work with the human’s energy.
Some horses recognize this work as a song from the herd, perhaps a herd they have never known.
In Liberty Foundation work, we use energetic connection, learn to bring our leadership forth so that we can achieve greater respect from the horse and greater connection. We learn horse rhythms, the rhythms that horses live by and that sustain them, day by day.
“Thank you Susan and Carrie for putting on such a wonderful training clinic! Magic and I learned so much I cannot wait to practice and grow with him! I look forward to the next one!” – Kim Paws
I am reminded of the children’s story by Paul Goble entitled The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses. The girl in the story got lost with her herd of horses and until one year she did not return home to her parents. Legend has it that she had become one of the wild horses at last.
In a way, learning about horses at liberty, we become one of the wild horses in learning their language, we are able to communicate better, knowing what they talk about, how they speak and move.
Although I have been working with the holistic Liberty Foundations™ for awhile now and have not actually turned into a horse, I am clearly on a journey of deeper discovery. Each day I work with a horse, he or she teaches me something new.