Category Archives: Ortho-Bionomy

You Gotta Love Horse People!

Recently I had a client in my office who had a swollen ankle. She has had a swollen ankle before so I mentioned to her: rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the leg for self-care.

Self-care is a big part of my practice.  I said, “okay, if your horse’s fetlock looked like this, what would you be doing?”

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Got carrots?

If horses could actually speak words, I am sure they would ask, “got carrots?” Or whatever their favorite snack is. Have you ever noticed how if you have a carrot or cooky, they can barely contain themselves, their focus is entirely on that treat until they find it or get to eat it?

Elijah, Stina Herberg, Susan Smith at Spirit Horse Ranch, LIberty Foundations clinic, March 2013
Elijah, Stina Herberg, Susan Smith at Spirit Horse Ranch, LIberty Foundations clinic, March 2013

Continue reading Got carrots?

The Kamikaze behavior of horses

Recently I had a client horse who broke his jaw. This is how it happened: he was clenching his teeth around a bar of his stall door, while his forefeet were on a ledge of that same door. He dropped one foot down and neglected to release his teeth from the bar of the stall. This action broke his jaw on the side of the mandible.

A week after jaw fracture
A week after jaw fracture

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Taking matters into her own hooves!

I really like this expression and it fits so many experiences I’ve had with horses, where they see their human not taking appropriate charge and so they feel they must take charge!

IMG_0034 Continue reading Taking matters into her own hooves!

Develop a “seventh sense” in horse work

Pat Parelli says you must be “mentally, emotionally and physically fit” to handle horses. I would argue that many people who aren’t physically fit can do a lot with horses. To me the bottom line is energetics. The horse recognizes the energy in the person, and will respond to that.

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Have you hugged your therapy horse today?

I know what I’m about to write is probably controversial to many people. But I believe therapy horses need help.

Until our gelding Patches came to live with us, I didn’t know much about the horses in therapeutic riding programs. I thought they were doing a public service and that was great. Now I see remnants of that experience in our horse and have spent two years helping him get confident again. During the past two years, I’ve spoken to others who have either worked in such programs or who have horses from the programs and have also seen similar problems these horses suffer.

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Continue reading Have you hugged your therapy horse today?

Afraid of your horse?

Are you afraid of your horse? Being afraid of your horse is nothing to be ashamed about. Many horses are scary, or people have had scary things happen with horses. Sometimes people come to liberty training because they are afraid to ride, or have a horse that is unridable or unmanageable. It’s also good to have a healthy fear or caution when working around horses.Macho_screenshot Continue reading Afraid of your horse?

Why does it feel better to ride than to walk?

At the recent Society of Ortho-Bionomy Conference in Denver, a colleague of mine who was also a rider, asked me, “Why do my equestrian clients say they are more comfortable in the saddle than out of it?”

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Horse time!

What time is it? What does it matter? If you’re dealing with a horse, trying to get her to load in the trailer, or perform some activity by the end of your lesson, the lack of interest in your agenda can be frustrating at times. Most of us who work with horses know there is such a thing as “horse time.”


Continue reading Horse time!

The thinking horse – promoting healthy curiosity in your horse

Have you ever encountered a horse that seems dull, uninterested in his or her surroundings, steps on your feet, seems robotic in work, or just wanders off when you’re doing an exercise?

A video capture showing a timid horse with a confident horse inside!
A video capture showing a timid horse with a confident horse inside!

Continue reading The thinking horse – promoting healthy curiosity in your horse