Category Archives: horse training

Horses and Laughter

Years ago, in a clinic I co-taught with Ruella Yates, we had a very shut down horse named Tank who thought humans only wanted him to do things, so he simply went through the motions like a robot. He had come to a place in life where he didn’t see much joy in activity with humans or anything else. He was an old lesson horse and his owner rode him but felt he really didn’t care about riding. She wanted so much for him to enjoy himself!

It was very difficult to engage him on the first day. I don’t like to have that feeling of “pulling teeth” with horses who just aren’t willing to engage even in an easy, non-stressful activity. Tank wasn’t asked to do anything and he was fine with that, as he didn’t want to do anything.

The second morning, we changed things up and brought him into the arena while we were doing a human energetic exercise. People began laughing as they took turns practicing being horses and played with the idea of moving each other around. This horse Tank was so curious about the people laughing that he came to hang out with us so he could be part of the fun. This changed everything for him. From thereon he began to have fun and got very engaged with each person who worked with him. His owner, Cathy, had never seen him take such an interest in any activity, although he did his jobs well.

Tank joining the group

Jaak Panksepp, Estonian-American neuroscientist and psychobiologist who coined the term “affective neuroscience”, the name for the field that studies the neural mechanisms of emotion, researched laughter in non-human animals. He researched primates, dogs, and rats, but no horses. While I have no clinical research, I think it would be fun to see if horses emit sounds like laughter, and laugh with us. Certainly sometimes their expressions suggest that they do!

From my experience, I am sure some of them have a sense of humor. As a human, being able to share laughter is a huge release, and very healing, so horses must feel positive emotions when they hear it and feel it in their own bodies. Laughter releases our breath, and horses are notorious for holding their breaths, so when they hear the laughter, it can bring release to their entire body.

For Tank, laughter and no pressure engaged his curiosity and his desire to want to be part of the laughing, fun group.

A few tips for working with a horse like Tank:

  • Create an activity of interest near the horse without expecting anything of the horse.
  • Invite a friend over and talk about something positive, something other than the horse, or maybe a funny story or something that makes you laugh.
  • Bring a small drum to play around the horse and see if he wants to engage with the sound and you.
  • Don’t make a big deal of anything. If the horse wants to come and join your activity, that’s okay as long as he/she isn’t disruptive.

After doing one of these activities for awhile, the next day – or even the same day – you may find your horse wants to be around you more. Vary what you try as every horse is different and some will respond to one thing but not another.

These activities don’t need to be done every day, just once in awhile, a couple of times a week maybe. As you continue your regular routines with the horse, such as riding, grooming, etc. you may find the horse wants to be in relationship more than he or she did before. He seeks you out, follows you as you muck, walks freely with you as you go from corral to arena, perhaps.

For client horses you don’t see often, talk to them, drop your energy down into your feet, find out what helps the horse relax and engage, in his or her own body, what helps provide the best session possible. Getting to work with someone who spends a few moments relating, who isn’t expecting performance can be a genuine healing experience.

No Pain – Lots of Gain!

We hear a lot about fear-based horse training. We don’t hear much about how bodywork can raise a horse’s fear threshold if done without regard to his/her feelings.

It’s very common for horses to be afraid of bodywork, especially if they have received fear-based training or a number of unpleasant veterinary procedures. Of course, veterinary procedures and surgeries are often non-negotiable. When I have a procedure personally, I can only imagine what that feels like to the horse who doesn’t understand why it’s being done to him or her.

The number of horses who have huge built in resistance is astronomical, and also some of those horses have shut down emotionally to be able to tolerate what has been done to them. Just look at the overflowing horse shelters. A huge number of these horses have arrived at the shelter abused, malnourished and neglected. Many come in afraid of the farrier, the vet, being caught, needles, lifting their hooves, being ridden – the list is endless. They may be in a lot of pain as well. They have an elaborate network of resistances holding them together, yet they are fragile, reactive or shut down, stuck in their flight/fright/freeze mode. In order to receive basic veterinary and farrier care, some may need to be sedated.

The inquiry phase of bodywork.

If you come to one of those horses with intrusive bodywork techniques, and that horse isn’t happy to see you, don’t take it personally. I see many of these horses who are overly cautious about what I might do to them. How do I work with them, relax them? First of all, I work on being as unthreatening as I possibly can be. And I don’t mean acting like I’m unthreatening, I mean really being unthreatening. I check in with myself – where are my resistances? Where might a horse pick up something that makes them nervous? I make sure I’m centered, that I’m not distracted, that I am just being. I have had a lot of practice doing this, but I think it’s practice worth investing in. Just be, chat with the horse a little. Lay your hand in front of the withers and talk softly. You may need to touch sore spots just to get information, but that part can wait until the horse is more relaxed.

As horse people, we can make countless decisions for our horses. One decision we can make is to hire only people who will treat our horse kindly. Of course, we need to have vets doing things that are unpleasant, as those procedures are designed to save lives. Vets are fundamentally kind, in my opinion. They are not the subject of this article.

If your horse is continually miserable or reactive during a visit from any practitioner, it may be worthwhile to re-evaluate that professional relationship.

If it takes me half a session to get a horse relaxed enough to accept and absorb the work I’m doing, I want to look at the whole picture. Is the horse in a lot of pain? What is the horse’s trauma history? Who else works with this horse and how?

Some horses have received so much abuse that they need a lot of work emotionally and psychically. They may be in their forever home, but their trauma is very deep rooted and challenging to change. Hopefully, owners will invest in this rehabilitative process. Some horses may be enduring ongoing veterinary treatments that are stressing them out.

I worked consistently with a horse who would get better after the session but the next week, would be angry and upset again. I learned later that she was being abused by a trainer in the time in between. It is similar  to when a child is being continually abused in the home, and gets better with various programs offered at school. But the child can’t move forward in development and remains in a holding pattern because the parental abuse brings the child right back to the origin of the problem, reinforcing it as other positive influences are trying to heal it. This is the agony of all child protective services as well.

I cannot move forward with the healing work if the animal is going to go back into the abusive situation.

Sometimes I find that the owner isn’t aware of what other professionals are doing with their horses.

Finding the right professionals requires moving out of our comfort zone sometimes, where we are not expecting pain to be part of the healing process unless it is a veterinary procedure. Humans are accustomed to expecting pain – even exercise programs are designed around the “no pain – no gain” principle. When bodybuilders come for a human bodywork session, very often they want to push against me with brute force when I ask for an isometric exercise. I will then ask them to just “think it.” This can be a new concept to those who are accustomed to leaving the gym like limp noodles.

There is a time and place for everything. The work at the gym is exercise. I break it down this way – bodywork, stretching and then exercise. The bodywork should prepare or rehabilitate the body without expecting anything of it and allow it to self-correct. The stretching keeps muscles and fascia supple so the body doesn’t seize up when it gets to the exercise part. The exercise keeps the body moving, encourages circulation and therefore nourishes the blood supply and all the organs, soft tissue and structure. It’s best to have all three, but if the body is injured and can’t exercise, then the other two must be employed before we can expect more from the body. We must give the body the right information to set it on its path for healing.

If the bodywork is too vigorous and sets the individual back, then it will take days to recover from it. Many people don’t know if the bodywork their animal is receiving is doing any good, but they keep paying for it because others at the barn are using the same person. It’s a routine, sort of like getting the teeth floated, vaccinations or using the same trainer. In their minds, if they continue to do it, they are doing a good thing for their horse. Or there is peer pressure and they may be afraid to change. Important information about healthy options needs to be made available.

Bodywork that causes beings to go into recoil and not want to engage is not allowing the body to find its own self-corrective response. Why is this important? Because when we engage the self-corrective response, ask the body which way it likes to go, what’s its preference, it comes forward and there is life and change in its response. Otherwise, the body is not a participant. It’s plain and simple. The body is being “done to” rather than engaged with.

A lot of people think of bodywork as a “spa” treatment only, unaware of the vast therapeutic benefits of a good session. A session should encompass mental and spirit well-being as well as deep musculoskeletal, fascia and visceral. I say “spirit” well-being instead of spiritual because I don’t mean it to be a religious experience, I mean that we are working with the very unique, individual spirit of the animal, on a level it can absorb and embrace.

Fortunately, awareness of animals’ voices is increasing. There are fewer people thumping on horses without regard to how they are receiving therapeutic work and more people eager to take the time to really be with the horse for however short time they have to make a difference. Without burning bridges, it’s up to us to build a team of worthwhile professionals who reflect the goals we have for our equines.

What changes should you look for in your horse during or after a bodywork session?

Certified Equine Body Balance Practitioner Kelly Reed works intuitively and gently to achieve full relaxation and engagement.

• In most cases, the horse should have better flexibility after the session, the tissue moving under the skin fluidly, topline relaxed.
• The limbs and joints should move better, and in cases of lameness, the horse should stride better if not be free of signs of lameness. These are individual cases.
• The horse should have improved respiration.
• Any horse should have a softer or brighter look in his/her eye and be less worried, if he/she was a worried one before. The horse should be more engaged.
• A horse who is immobile due to stall rest or laminitis will have some tissue changes and perhaps improvement in small movement.
• Organic changes will also result in relaxation, dropping of tension, better overall movement; in some cases, better digestion, greater energy.

Emerge from the Winter Doldrums with Equines

Over the winter, I feel challenged to provide quality time with my horses. I want to make sure they don’t get bored and prone to injury. I also want to maintain my connection with them.

Recently the question arose about how to provide “behavioral enrichment” for a mare who was recovering from recent illness. The ideas presented here are good for that situation as well as for navigating the uncertainty of winter weather and footing. Horses don’t know how long we spend with them, they only remember the time spent and can think on it when we’re not there. If you notice, if you spend time with them for half an hour, the next day they are generally more interested in you and what you might have to offer.

What you can offer will depend on where you live, your energy levels and what you have to deal with weather-wise in your location.

The person who asked about behavioral enrichment realized she had to get very creative. Yes! Exactly right! There are liberty exercises that can be done in muddy footing, which she and her mare had remembered from classes they took with me.

In this case, I also suggest bodywork as maintenance recovering from any injury or illness.

At our place, we put down shavings to create a small space to do groundwork and ride, and have horses who are not so fresh after all the bad weather. The footing is good for walking and trotting a small circle, in-hand work, or lateral work along the fence on good days. If there is any pattern at all during winter, it is snow plus cold, then sun and mud then a couple of days of dry ground so you can work.

A gelding I worked with years ago was going through a patch of being unridden and the owner was wondering what to do with him because he had become dull and uninterested in activity. We worked with playing the drum which perked him up. He loved the deep sound of it. This of course, did not work all the time, as he wanted to know, what next? But it piqued his curiosity so that he could go on to other liberty activities and groundwork, connecting more fully with his owner.

On a deeper level, making a sensory connection with horses is something we can do while standing in mud up to our eyeballs. We can sit on a feed trough and consider the horse’s world – the sights, smells and sounds of the barn, the chatter of ravens, the feel and smell of the cold air that may prickle against our faces. Horses are sensory beings, so this type of connection is truly valued by them as they live with this world 24/7. It may contrast to our constant doing, but it puts us in alignment with horses. It brings us into ourselves and who we truly are.

I have always been a “lick and a promise” type groomer, but recently I have noticed how much my horses enjoy being groomed. And I enjoy talking to them while grooming, and seeing the mud come off, even for a short time!

This type of engagement carries over, increases our mutual enjoyment of one another, so that when we actual do “work” again, there is more curiosity, engagement, a feeling of anticipation of what is to come.

Horses Can Have Scoliosis Too

One of the pain areas that is very common in horses is the spine. And one of the most common things that people want to do is begin an exercise regimen for the equine with back pain.

Generally, back pain affects the entire body. If you have ever experienced back pain, it can have a debilitating affect on your activity, from walking to sitting, standing and even lying down. If someone wants to make you do exercises if you’re in excruciating pain, that can be the worst thing for you.

And, people are not the only ones who can have scoliosis, or, a condition where the spine is curved sideways. The horse can also have a kissing spine, sciatica, hunter’s bump, and many other conditions.

Looking down the spine to the tail – a mare with scoliosis.

Unfortunately, horses are not often in the position to say no to what we prescribe for them. They will resist in other ways – refusal to move, bucking, rearing, biting, which also may hurt them. But their intention is to get you to stop what you’re doing, or making them do.

At this point in the process, if I come to work with a horse with back pain, I want all exercises stopped until we can evaluate what is going on. I will do a full evaluation of the spine and legs, shoulders and ribcage, to see what parts of the body are being influenced. One area of the spine can be demonstrating, either visually or through palpation, a pain area, while another area of the spine is less mobile and can be the primary culprit. We just don’t know until we check it out.

Next, once the horse is moving more fluidly, which may take one to five or so sessions, always depending upon the degree of severity which doesn’t always reveal itself immediately, we can add some very simple exercises that are called in Ortho-Bionomy, “post-techniques,” to strengthen the spine and extremities while the horse is receiving bodywork.

Working with back pain is not a one-shot fix. It took awhile for the condition to develop, unless it’s an acute injury. Usually if the spine is pushed into what we may perceive as its “right” position by an assertive modality, it will relax back into the posture that it knows well. When my mother used to push my shoulders back because she didn’t like my hunched posture, it didn’t make it easier for me to keep my shoulders back. And what she didn’t know was, shoulders jammed back wasn’t really a healthy posture. Posture needed to come from within, not be forced from without. I needed to learn how to breathe more fully, and open up my sternum and ribcage, and get to know my body.

Side view of horse with lordosis, dropped thoracics ( swayback ).

If we work with what is, where the spine is at the moment of contact, and support that, it will feel “met” and be able to make more lasting changes. Regular maintenance is vital in order to maintain the spine and remind it of what felt good, remind it that it has its own intelligence and eventually, once the big pain is not so present, it can even self-correct. After that self-correction phase, the bodywork sessions can go deeper, address layers  that are possibly causing the more obvious problems to keep reoccurring.

Top view of the same horse shown with lordosis (swayback) above.

The types of treatments that are imposed from the outside such as injections and surgeries are expensive and may work to alleviate the problem immediately, but they do nothing to support the spine and extremities from within. The owner is often happy because they have done what was prescribed and have high hopes for a positive outcome.  And sometimes the treatment is useful for interrupting a chronic pain cycle. Owners also may be able to ride their horse for awhile which makes them happy, because having a horse standing around not able to participate in the season’s activities makes riders crazy.

Owners may opt to do the injections as well as do the bodywork, which can be useful, because then the body is being met as well as getting the pain addressed immediately.

Then the business of the exercises – not all exercises that are commonly recommended are going to be a good fit for every horse.

  • Lunging, for example, can exacerbate a fracture if you don’t know the horse has one. Trying to lunge a horse who is in too much pain to move on a circle is not a good idea.
  • Riding on a twenty-meter circle is not a good idea if the horse has trouble disengaging his hinds and has a lot of pelvic or sacral pain.
  • The round pen may not be good for the same reasons – any lameness on any leg or limb.
  • Going over obstacles may be too much for some horses.

If I don’t have a diagnosis, I will walk straight lines with a horse where he’s comfortable doing so. I may add ground poles at ground level once I feel he/she can lift legs comfortably.

In humans, the problem with spinal surgeries is that you may repair one part of the spine, but it will weaken the entire spinal chain and chances are, you will have problems with another part of your spine later on. If you can avoid surgeries, do so and opt for bodywork, physical therapy or what works for you. If you have no other choice but surgery, then of course, go for it.

With horses, the same is true. The active life of the horse will decrease with age anyway, so owners may think if I do this surgery today then I can ride for x number of years before the repercussions come, or maybe they don’t even know there are repercussions in the rest of the spine. It’s definitely a personal decision.

I have worked with many working horses on their back pain and been very successful restoring them to varying levels of their work life with rest, consistent techniques and then the post-technique exercises. The fascia must be able to made more flexible so that it can support the structure. And fascia doesn’t just enclose muscles, it is the supporting envelope for all other systems except the digestive and respiratory systems.

It takes a commitment on the part of the owner, and I believe most owners are very committed to wanting the best for their horses. It’s hard to figure out what the “best” is sometimes, as there are so many options.

Owners can also learn a number of very powerful, gentle techniques to support their horses, which ultimately empowers them to not need as many therapeutic visits.

Horses also appreciate the relationship aspect of bodywork. They are used to being “done to,” as you may feel when you’ve had to have a number of invasive medical procedures done. They have shoes nailed on (in some cases), dewormers and medicines applied, injections and procedures done where needed. Having someone work on them just for them, listening to them, can make an enormous difference in the way they feel about their relationship with their humans.

As an owner and bodyworker, I don’t always know what’s best. But I do know that maintaining equines with bodywork gives them a big headstart, supports the system before and after injury, makes them less injury prone over all (notwithstanding poor riding, weight, saddle fit and overriding).

The less invasive and the more relational we can be with horse care, the better for our animals’ health, longevity and well being, and also for our pocketbooks.

A two-day weekend course related to this topic will be offered in Santa Fe, New Mexico May 20-21st, 2023 entitled Introduction to the Equine Spine.

Introduction to the Equine Spine | 2-Day LIVE Workshop | May 20-21, 2023 | Santa Fe, New Mexico – Susan Smith. A framework for healing—horse and human (


A Message for the New Year

Jazzie and Red together.

In October we lost my mare Jazzie, who was just shy of her 19th birthday. It has been emotionally tough to live without her huge presence in our lives. She is irreplaceable, and yet I draw some comfort knowing she is watching over us and will continue to be a powerful influence.

I adopted a young grade Arabian mare, whom I named Red (or she named herself), four years old. She came from a wonderful rehab and rescue center in Santa Fe, which provided a loving respite from previous traumatic  experiences.

Red isn’t a replacement, she is her own horse. She is young and curious about everything, and especially her interactions with humans and her training. She loves her training. What I’m seeing in her is that everything is an adventure. While her first years were fraught with uncertainty, fear and mistreatment, when she didn’t want anyone to catch or touch her, she has now landed somewhere where everyone listens to her and she wants to listen.

The loss of Jazzie and the introduction of Red are changing my teaching. I relied so heavily on Jazzie’s intelligence in terms of teaching; her sixth sense as far as knowing what a student needed to know, or even what was needed in a teaching video. Now I seek to find out what innate intelligence is available in the new herd. I come into awareness of their changing relationships, and how they relied on each other for certain strengths and roles. They have reorganized since Jazzie’s passing. They make it work.

The new configuration.

This experience with Red is also showing me the interface between training and bodywork. I can see that when Red doesn’t respond to something I want her to do, it has been when she has felt unable to do it. She has either frozen in place or felt her body imbalance stick her somewhere that makes it impossible to turn or lower her head, or turn to the right.

It has been a learning process for me, asking questions, where is she stuck, where is the brace in her body? And then going in and softening, loosening, however that looks. Some days have been all about that, softening, finding the connection in the body so it could ease its defensive posture. How many defensive postures could a young mare hold?

Red has come to the place where she can position her body where she wants me to work. This is something I love to see in horses I work with, as it demonstrates a recognition of what I can offer and their connection to it, at the same time, recognizing that they can use the stimulus given and self-correct.

Primarily with everything we’re doing, it takes the time it takes. If the resistance isn’t removed then there is nowhere to go, there is no pushing through it to the other side. If there is no physical resistance there may sometimes be emotional resistance because an avoidance habit was formed in the past or she was taught something that wasn’t useful. I need to manage my energy so as not fall into Red’s stuff, ask in the right way, to remind her of what she is capable of.

This is not a horse that you would put the traditional “30 days” on and then think all was good to go. Probably that doesn’t work for 99% of the horses out there, but given economics and the way people perceive training and horses, it’s a norm, though not a very sustainable one.

I’m seeing more bridges between bodywork and training. We work with the nervous system in each of these practices, if we do it right. Where the horse is excitable (flight/fright), we calm it. Where it is too sluggish (rest/relaxation), we enliven it.  With good work on the nervous system, a horse can usually self-regulate and not immediately go into high alert and react over everything.

I have been fortunate enough to have a few “horses of a lifetime,” not just one. Each one has different gifts and teaches me something new. When they feel comfortable in their home, they feel heard and seen, then they will show their gifts. Many horses go through life without showing their true gifts to people, because there are many people who won’t see the gifts even if hit in the face with them. Horses don’t “throw pearls before swine,” as the saying goes. Some of mine have been horses of a lifetime in spite of me and my agendas at the time. I listen better now. I’m not so driven.

What is the purpose of this message, you might ask? Is it about the new horse, mourning the loss of a deceased horse, training or bodywork?

It’s about everything. It’s about the changes that we make to accommodate the new, while mourning the loss of the old. It’s about the evolution of body and training, and how training is absorbed and perceived by each individual being.

I’m reminded of how Jazzie would raised her leg and made sure a student was holding it correctly and compressing into the perfect place that would initiate change for her. I will remember how she positioned herself so that the student or I would get the hint of where to work next. And her incredible intuition with bodywork in the saddle comes to me each time I climb in the saddle, creating a valuable change for both horse and rider.

Jazzie was very good at what she did; she was patient and impatient simultaneously, and perhaps so because on some level, she knew she didn’t have a long time on this earth. Humans needed to get it right quickly. Such a well-adjusted, sensible mare was valuable for those who were less well-adjusted and sensible and pure joy for everyone else.

I work with performance horses, race horses, horses in training, geriatric horses, injured horses, traumatized horses, pregnant mares and newborn foals, horses who are getting ready to pass from this world and those passed.  I work with the people who love them. They are all on different paths, at their own tempos.

With the dawning of the new year, I feel a shift in the work I do. I may work with deepening the links between people and horses, or bodywork as a more integral support for training. Very often what isn’t working for a horse isn’t working for the people either.

My wish is that you will deepen your experience in 2023, either on your own, in practice, with or without horses, or in classes. Whatever moves you. This quiet, cold time of winter (and not for those in the southern hemisphere, of course!) is open to introspection and weaving together a new beginning, not a replacement for what was, but a lengthening of “being” into the coming months.

Horses Take the World Stage

The Tokyo Olympics 2021 pentathlon event, which involves participants who are proficient in fencing, freestyle swimming, equestrian show jumping, pistol shooting and cross-country running, resulted in mishaps and angry, abusive people at the equestrian segment. Why is that?

Getty image

The course, up to 1.20 m, flooded the equine and other media, and some Olympic medalists say that the reason the horses balked at jumps, reared, and dumped their riders in the competition was because they only had 20 minutes to “get to know” their riders before performing. These are horses that are well schooled, provided especially for this event and riders select horses from a random draw. The people riding are also not necessarily good riders – one article said that some don’t even know how to do a rising trot! They may be excellent at swimming, fencing, pistol shooting, but not at the riding part, which would then indicate that they can’t manage a horse well under normal circumstances but particularly when it goes into stress mode.

The whole event is stressful, let’s face it. That horses can and do perform under such conditions is quite phenomenal.

Horses don’t think as humans do. The coach who punched a horse and instructed her rider to whip the horse was obviously completely out of line, pulled along by anger and frustration. While the horse napped, the rider was seen hitting and kicking the horse. As he neared the fence, the coach leaned over and struck him with her fist. The horse wasn’t doing well physically to begin with or he wouldn’t have been trying to sleep.

Many complained about horses’ performance overall. Other horses resisted the jumps too. But the horse is always right. So whatever was going on here started with the humans and their lack of understanding and concern for the horses’ needs.

Basically the absence of a relationship built with the horse over a longer period of time, plus disregard for the horse and rider’s mental well being, contributed to the breakdown in the first place. Physical violence added to that created chaos, and that chaos rippled through the horsie-verse like a bolt of lightning. Shared consciousness. We’re outta here. The horses bonded in a universally panicked response. Some held their ground and did okay. But too many horses who weren’t smacked around responded with resistance and fear.

Once that chaos and fear zoomed through the other horses, they reverted to their herd instinct. I have a mental image of them all running from the arena together. That didn’t happen of course because there is a cast of thousands in that arena managing the horses.

These are horses who have no relationship with their riders. They are ridden by many different riders in preparation for this event and considered “schoolmasters.” But to go through an event at this high level of stress, they need the relationship. When things get scary it’s not enough to simply know how to ride, you need to know the way that animal thinks, moves, it’s preferences, what frightens it, know it deep down so that you can set up the best possible outcome. If introducing a horse to new things, it’s best if he has a familiar, much loved person to help him or her through it all.

Horses don’t think like humans, they don’t have a pre-frontal cortex like we do, so we can figure out how to pay bills and how to write articles about horses, etc. But what they do have is a motor cortex, and the motor cortex allows them to learn patterns and behaviors. They learn good ones just as easily as bad ones. They have the ability to form deep relationships. But they are going to operate instinctively if frightened, and in some cases forget everything they know in an instant.

They will be able to recover from upset much easier if they and their person are bonded, fused in a way that may not be visible to the outside casual observer. When I watched some of the really bonded Olympic pairs, such as Charlotte DeJardin and her new horse, I feel that they enjoy each other. Some others are operating on automatic.

This is not to say that all horses need their special person all the time. There are some people who can come into the presence of a horse they don’t know and the horse is immediately comforted and there is no question. The horse wants an immediate bond, without the preparation of years. Some trainers have this ability to infuse confidence in a horse right away. Even in these cases, the riding relationship is different than the on-the-ground relationship. The horse may not want the person he has just met to climb on his back, in spite of feeling happy in their presence.

I have ridden horses on endurance rides whom I didn’t know, but was fortunate enough to ride them the night before, brush and play with them a little bit, and everything turned out alright. I was also riding alongside the owner so she could advise me as to how to manage her, her preferences, how much contact, etc. I was acutely aware of how the horse moved differently from my own, and but relied on my general knowledge for that part of the journey. By the end of the ride, I always wanted to buy the horse (not for sale!), because we had had such a great time together.

Keep in mind this is over 50 or so miles, about 6-10 hours in the saddle, not a short stint in an Olympic arena that involves maybe 5-10 minutes of connection! Plus the stress level is way down on the meter. We were riding to win a t-shirt, not an Olympic gold medal.

I’m so glad to hear that the German Olympic federation has called for a rule change to address the excessive demands on the horse-rider teams.

The fact that so many horses lost their cookies at this event affirms their strength in numbers, their wonderful herd instinct that can sometimes  get them into trouble. They also exposed some human cruelty and ego. In this case, horses took the world stage, if not the medals. Well done, horses!


Reach Out and Don’t Touch Someone

We are all in this together, and yet we are to remain apart. There is stress about social distancing, our new norm, worldwide. Why is that? We can reach out and call people, thankfully we also have social media, but I still hear from friends, colleagues and clients that they feel isolated.

As a bodyworker for people and horses and the occasional dog, I feel it intensely. Ortho-Bionomy is a form of bodywork that is not just a spa treatment that you receive when you get a gift certificate and you feel better for a couple of days and forget about it. Ortho-Bionomy is transformative, it deepens your own body’s understanding of itself, it reaches inward and brings health and balance to all your systems. Each level of the body – bone, muscle, sinew – each system – circulatory, lymph, visceral – is affected by an Ortho-Bionomy session. It invites the body to come meet itself and have a conversation. And that conversation can continue on long after the session is over, well into the next week or months, depending upon your body’s ability to correct itself and stay corrected.

The possibility of a “conversation with a body” was the hook for me when I was first finding out about bodywork modalities. What is that like? Is that possible? I wondered. Years later, I realize my body seeks that. If I cannot afford the time or money to get a session, then I feel the need. I gravitate towards self-care, and other exercises of course. They are immensely helpful.

I will talk about the importance of touch. What I learned recently is that the skin and brain are developed from the exact same primitive cells. So you could say the skin is the outer surface of the brain, or view the brain as the deepest layer of the skin. When you think of it this way, it is no wonder that we are troubled by the lack of human physical contact. There is much more about this but this is food for thought. With animals we have the fur factor – fur closely attached to skin.

According to the anatomy book, Job’s Body, by Deane Juhan, studies done by Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1915 in orphanages revealed the infant mortality rate within one year of admission was 99%. This led to further studies of all orphanages, finding that they were severely understaffed and consequently the infants lacked human cuddling. There was only enough time, to clean, feed and take care of their basic needs. Once more staff were added in a major overhaul of the system, the children received much needed cuddling, and they thrived in all ways. Great increases in energy, height, weight and mental well-being were seen – and the death rate decreased exponentially.

So when we must deprive ourselves, even as adults, of this very primal need for touch communication, where do we go next? When we’re advised to curtail all “non-essential” activities, I and my clients don’t consider Ortho-Bionomy non-essential. But since it is not an essential such as going to the grocery store (far more dangerous!), we comply with the rules that are intended to save our lives.

As a bodyworker, working on any body is never a one-way conversation. I’m not just doing techniques to or on someone. I’m asking questions, the body or being is speaking back to me in numerous ways. It’s not always something I can verbalize.

Today we are dealing with a deadly virus that is shaping the social structure of our lives. We must not touch, except those in your own household, period. Stay a safe distance away.

Fortunately, Ortho-Bionomy has a number of “phases,” unlike some modalities where the only option is touch. I can take the conversation off the body and have that conversation a little farther away, over the phone maybe, or in space, because the conversation has an energetic quality. I know some people are scared off by the mention of “energy,” but we are all energy, everything possesses energy. So it really isn’t frightening. It might seem frightening to imagine someone tinkering around with your energy.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s the energy of the conversation that can remain alive without the physical touch, without any force or intrusion into the person or animal’s consciousness. I can work with the body without the body being anywhere nearby. It’s a part of Ortho-Bionomy and it is only done with consent of the individual.

There is a collective consciousness right now that has everyone on edge, trying to find balance but getting knocked off balance daily, in some cases hourly, by some new grisly news report. Is that collective consciousness something you can see or is it something you feel? Think about it. It’s all energetic, rippling through the global community.

Horses have a herd mentality. Part of that is communicating without touching – flattening their ears or moving toward another horse  across the pasture to get them to move, just twitching an ear in some cases. I only wish I had ears that talented. They also communicate with other species like birds. They can keep each other healthy and safe by moving the least among them. Their finely tuned energetic sense of what they need to have happen means everything.

Before the pandemic took such a tight hold of us, (just a couple of weeks ago, perhaps?) I did an Energetic Healing Communication session with a dog who was limping. She had been expecting the session. The owner asked that I take her own injured finger into consideration too if I had time. I worked with the areas the owner had said she felt the dog needed work. I felt the session was very concrete, meaning very mechanical for her, but that was what she was asking for. She even became impatient with me at times.

Then she said: “guarding causes you to lock out, then fear, then lose the ability to take in good things.”

This was very huge, not only for the dog but for the owner, and for me. We are all guarded right now. We have to be but we will be wise to remember what that does to our nervous system. It makes us less able to notice or receive good things.

And then, the dog wove her owner’s physical injury into her own healing. I worked with the area between the nails of the paws. The owner reported her finger feeling 75% better. The dog ended her session on her own, satisfied, and went to lie down and rest.

That will probably never happen again in exactly that way or even close to it. That is the beauty of Ortho-Bionomy bodywork. It is special, it is for you personally, or for you and your dog or horse or cat and it is tailored to your needs. It is not a panacea, a pill or a blanket solution.

So, while this may sound farfetched to some and right at home to others, I will leave you with this: we need communication. We need the conversation, and if it isn’t physical, then energetic. We communicate in some different ways than horses or dogs. We have the higher intellect, or so I’m told.

Yet, we aren’t as good at taking care of ourselves energetically as animals are. We have to be conscious of making sure to keep ourselves open to good things, like the wise dog said, while we are in these oppressive times.

So reach out and don’t touch someone, but do  – energetically – across time and hold space for them and their healing. In that small way, I hope we can make a significant difference.

P.S. You may touch your horse, dog or cat!


Winter Walking with Sabio

We walk down the road, vehicle tracks as rigid deep veins in the frozen mud, sheets of ice glistening in the pale winter sun. It’s treacherous footing but we have to get out.

Our usual stop is to visit two young mares in a pasture, who are always excited to see another horse coming down the road. Today, Sabio stops and looks at them, but he doesn’t ask to go over and visit. Often he has gone over and sniffed noses and taken in their muzzles exploring his face and neck as though it was a special treat. But today, he looked and he decided he wanted to continue walking with me and didn’t give them a backward glance.

This demonstrated to me that he had gotten accustomed to their presence and that he was perfectly happy walking with me. At that point he made that decision not to visit with them, I felt a deep connection come from him, him matching my stride, us walking together. I often feel this with him while in the saddle too, but when I am on the ground next to him, I’m then like another horse. Horses walk side by side, they walk one behind the other. There is a rhythm to this, different from the rhythm of us being on their backs. I want all those rhythms. I want to feel all of it.

The other part of the walk is observing together. If he takes an interest in the mares, so do I. If he takes interest in some far off call of a coyote, I turn my head in the same direction. I often can’t hear and see what he has going on in his world, but it doesn’t matter. I want to know. I want to be more horse than I am. I want the senses he was born with, the broader knowledge of his world. He is my entry into that world, whether I will ever hear or see what he can or not.

Winter can be bleak here in the Southwest, with snow blowing across frozen stalks of wild grasses, tree trunks gone rigid and cracking from the cold. Once when it was warmer, a dust devil lifted dried horse poop into a swirl and hit me full in the face. It is not a romantic setting, yet there is something wild and beautiful about it all. It is a time for hibernation and yet I’m out here in the muck and cold walking a horse before the sun disappears.

We share this with the crows cawing, lighting on clawlike branches and taking flight when we come near. We share it with the coyotes who are the same color as the land and sunlight, fleets of yellow-brown fur hunkering low to the ground at a trot in hopes of not being noticed, stealthy, cunning.

On the way back, I tossed the leadrope over his back to see what he would do. He grazed on what was available, finds something tasty hidden under the snow; sticks with me. At times I led the way, other times he moved ahead, just as though we were two horses exploring. The only difference is I’m a human. He has the ability to move away and come back but I don’t really feel him leave. He looks at me, wants to know which direction at times, or even suggest a direction. Occasionally, I point or lead the way.

I feel his connection without the leadrope, with only his attention moving between his curiosity and staying close, a leadrope tethered to my heart, not my hand.



Where does our love of horses come from?

Continue reading Where does our love of horses come from?

Healing Herds, Movement and Community

The two horses rub each other’s necks, ferreting out the itchy or sore spots in each other. How do they know to do this? Is their mutual grooming actually bodywork?

Continue reading Healing Herds, Movement and Community