A lot of times owners ask me if their horse or dog is in pain. Generally they don’t ask about their family members because people can verbalize their pain. When I work on humans I rely heavily on what they tell me as far as pain goes, and how it’s going – is it getting better, worse, is there any change whatsoever?
Category Archives: chakras
Beyond the rescue
This past week I worked on Sharif, a new horse for Cindy Roper. At this time, he is probably one of the most documented horses on Facebook in Santa Fe County, as his story is astonishing. You can read about it in Leta Worthington’s blog:
Blotched Botched or Blessing – One Indian Pony’s Amazing Journey
I came in to help him with the physical/emotional problems that he has accumulated as a result of his experiences. One of the problems Sharif had, after a horrendous experience of being on a slaughter truck bound for Mexico, was that he couldn’t back up and he didn’t want to lift his hind legs. He brings his hind legs, particularly the right one, straight out to the side laterally when asked to lift a leg.
Chakra balancing
Chakras are an age-old way of checking all the different sections of the body energetically. They are a complex system of energy centers that travel on a vertical energetic axis along the spine. “Chi” or universal energy flows in and out of them along the meridian system.