Equine Body Balance “Bodywork for Equines” Online


The online class format for Equine Body Balance “Bodywork for Equines” class is adapted from the actual hands-on class in order to provide a rewarding student experience without the student needing to leave their own homes or barns. The student may also take the course at their leisure, without having to adhere to a specific time and place requirement.


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The online class format for Equine Body Balance “Bodywork for Equines” class is adapted from the actual hands-on class in order to provide a rewarding student experience without the student needing to leave their own homes or barns. The student may also take the course at their leisure, without having to adhere to a specific time and place requirement.

Included in the course are videos, article links, and detailed instructions on techniques shown in the videos. It is a good idea for students to have an equine anatomy book to refer to.

What you will need for this class:

  • Good equine anatomy book
  • Safe horse to work with
  • Ability to view videos preferably in the field as well as at home, i.e. – phone, laptop, iPad
Like the hands-on class, Bodywork for Equines is for the owner who is interested in learning some tools to maintain their own horses’ health and horse professionals who are interested in sustainable ways to assist in the healing of horses. The class aims to foster a holistic view of the horse and people’s relationship to it through non-force intention.

Equine Body Balance balances the horse’s systems and allows for better functionality. It allows people to be more proactive in their horse’s health care by learning how to observe a horse’s condition, and hands-on techniques to address injury, restriction and improve overall movement, health and soundness. Knowledge of what the horse is capable of doing influences how we train and what we can expect from the horse.

As with EBB onsite classes, this material is not a substitute for veterinary care but rather a complement to it.

A student who just completed the Bodywork for Equines Online class, who has extensive equine bodywork experience said: “I find, however, I am searching for a more effective modality for the reduction of muscular tension, and treating specific compensatory muscular issues. I found the course I’ve just completed has given me those tools.” – WG, British Columbia, Canada

Because the nature of the Equine Body Balance work is hands-on, it’s advisable to be able to do the hands-on course in addition to the online course. The best way to begin to understand the work is to actually have hands-on experiences with horses.

There are many bodywork approaches for both horses and humans. Equine Body Balance, informed by Ortho-Bionomy, is unique in it that relies on the body’s self-correcting response, and functions within the principle of “less is more.” This may seem contrary to chiropractic, massage and other modalities whose tenets rely on stronger physical techniques, but it is equally, if not more, powerful in many cases.

The work addresses all body systems, spanning soft tissue, bone structure, soft skeleton, organs, circulation, lymph and much more. Remember, no touch is too light. When your hands touch a body, you initiate change.

The online class is divided into six lessons, with a small quiz at the end of each one to help assess your understanding of materials. The quizzes will be multiple choice, true/false, and essay. The first two quizzes are multiple choice/T/F, and the last four are essays of field work. The quizzes are optional, however, those who wish to complete the Equine Body Balance certificate program may want to complete the quizzes. The class is available for 90 days from the signup date, after which time students may ask for an additional 90-day extension for $35.

Hands-on classes focusing on this material are available in various locations in the U.S.




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