The closer we get to horses, the deeper our experience can become. Horses can guide us in remarkable ways. My mare Jazzie came to me in dreams for two years before I brought her home. I am in the process of learning why she wanted to be with me so much. Sometimes (probably more often than not) horses know things that we don’t know yet or that we can’t sense.

What has become evident to me is that she is ever-wise and knowing, with a lot of power, she also is a tremendous caretaking personality and full of her own ideas and opinions.
A client told me a beautiful story about her registered half-Arab gelding, Hawk.
In the spring, she and a friend went on a ride in the mountains, with a friend riding Hawk and she riding her other horse. At a point in the trail, Hawk whirled around suddenly and bolted back the way they had come. His rider was inexperienced and took awhile to get him under control and turned around to come back to the others, who stayed put.
Hawk bolted at least 3 plus minutes before a boulder released from the craggy mountainside and actually came crashing down the cliff towards the riders and horses. He knew that far in advance of the impending danger. Within about 15 seconds of his return, the boulder started its descent toward the riders and horses. Hawk did not want to come any closer. The other horse, a mare, was not too worried. She trusted in her rider’s leadership and everyone moved out of the way in time.
The fact that he had left just before the boulder had come loose from the mountain was to me, astonishing, because he had such a strong sense of what was about to happen, could feel it most likely through the forest floor and the shimmering of the air, that he knew he had to leave.

A horse like this is incredibly tuned in with universal consciousness, and has not allowed its connection to that to be

tampered with in any way. Of course, we don’t want our horses bolting off for no apparent reason. But when they bolt because of impending danger like this one which could have crushed everyone, I think only of thankfulness. Thankfulness that the horse has a greater sensitivity to vibration than humans do. Thankful that he shared it, because he knew no one else was going to move.
I have experienced amazing things with my horses that demonstrate to me that their sensitivity is beyond anything I can imagine. I am so grateful for that, because it gives me a view into a world that I need to know about, and I know my horses can lead me there. Hawk is unusual in that his sensitivity is so great, he is a hero in the wings, just waiting to be recognized.
My friend and I once lost the trail on top of a mountain in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. My mare Zuzka, who is the most efficient, no-nonsense mare on the planet, got tired of us humans trying to figure out a way across the mountain. We couldn’t even find the trail heading back where we’d come from because the ground was so wet it consumed our hoofprints. On top of it all, a storm was coming in and I needed to pick up my grandson from camp. It was too late by then to try to get over to the other side of the mountain, we had to find our way back. She put her nose to the ground like a bloodhound and found the trail back the way we’d come up. Her nose didn’t leave the ground until we were back on dry trail again and could see the way down.

Once while on a trail ride with a friend, her gelding refused to go further into the brush near a pinon tree. He just refused, while she kept urging him onward. He wanted to do what she wanted but something prevented him. In a split second we saw what it was – an enormous rattlesnake that reared its head above the tall grasses, rattling angrily. Fortunately it was just a warning, the snake didn’t strike. But it was an incident where the horse knew better. The horse could feel the body of the snake moving in the grass, while we could only see that he wasn’t moving forward like a good horse “should” do.
Horse sensitivity and horse guides are found in all breeds. I think they are the telepaths among us. Not every human is telepathic, there are a few, walking around. They feel things most people don’t feel. Their lives may not be exactly easy because of it.
Yet they have something profound to offer – an insight into another world and an insight into our world that most of us lack.
Many of these horses will very likely make great performance horses if treated with proper respect and kindness, and are met in this place that is vital to them, a wonderful place that not everyone sees or understands. This type of horse can be ultra sensitive and impatient, yet it’s better to go slowly with them while at the same time giving them plenty of safe outlets for their expressive nature.
Just sitting with a horse can provide enormous insight into the way they think and what their needs are. Usually they are far more tuned in to us than we are to them, so it’s important for us to grow that listening part of ourselves so we can relate to them better. You can learn more about them sitting and sharing than always doing. As though you invited a friend to tea and you are just talking, not going to class, riding or doing anythng else. It requires so little, but means so much.
Services: Bodywork (Ortho-Bionomy for people, Equine Positional Release/Equine Ortho-Bionomy): private sessions (including Horse & Rider sessions), tutorials, phone consultations, distance healing communication and gift certificates
Liberty Training: clinics, mini-clinics, workshops, private and semi-private sessions, tutorials, consultations: by appointment: 505.501.2478 or emailing Fall Lessons – semi-private, private and small group sessions. Scheduling now. Contact me for details.
OrthoHorse Tutorials and Horses at Liberty Foundation Training Clinics will be offered on the 2014 schedule. Copyright (c) Susan Smith, OrthoHorse, Horses at Liberty Foundation Training
Awesome post! My little mare is like a bloodhound, too, and always knows what has been on the trail before us. I secretly think she sees me as her “baby” and wants to protect both of us.
Thanks for writing, Peter. It is wonderful to have a horse that has great caretaking qualities. Those are the qualities we want to encourage with liberty training. 🙂
Beautiful writing on a most fascinating topic, Susan. The heightened sensitivity of horses makes me want to listen to them carefully!