By now the rescued Navajo pony, aka finely bred Crabbet or Polish Arab gelding, Sharif, now the beloved horse of Cindy Roper in Cerrillos, is well ensconced in his new home. August 17 marked his one month anniversary in Cerrillos. If this is your first introduction to this story, please see Beyond the Rescue for the background story to bring you up to date, which also includes a reference to Leta Worthington’s wonderful story about his history, Blotched Botched or Blessing – One Indian Pony’s Amazing Journey – or at least as much as we know about it so far.

[Catherine Sobredo Photography]

[Catherine Sobredo Photography]
Although Sharif came with some physical problems, his lifestyle is quickly supporting him in getting well. You can tell Sharif feels very at home now. I felt joy in him this time and really saw a bit more of his personality. I’m delighted to see he is holding my work from two weeks before in the following areas: his spine, which had lost its connection with the ligamentous attachments is now filling out a lot and shows that the ligaments are supporting the vertebra now. The poll is holding pretty well with only a minor adjustment. What was also really wonderful was to see that the atrophy in his gluteal muscles has almost resolved, probably as a result of being able to move freely over 10 acres of rocky New Mexico high desert on a daily basis. His nostrils are now much more relaxed which shows me he is not in significant pain. I think a lot of that nostril wrinkling was a result of tubing from a colic he had just before Cindy got him home. Also the swelling from the intestinal tap has gone way down to almost nothing.

[Catherine Sobredo Photography]

[Catherine Sobredo Photography]
We also noticed a faint brand on the rib cage on the left side. When I’d seen this before I had thought it was old rib damage, and upon closer inspection it looks like a brand, although no hair has come off. Either way, it makes no sense why anyone would brand a horse on the sensitive bony structure rather than on heavy muscle, which is where most brands are placed. I think there is still rib damage there and other places on the ribs. It’s very common for horses to break, injure or displace ribs in their lifetimes.
I gave Cindy some exercises to help Sharif access his hind legs and keep the self-corrective process engaged.
While we’re seeing some beautiful change in the structure, change is also going on at a systemic level. Organs, lymphatic fluids, blood and tissues are all coming to life in him and helping him use nourishment more efficiently. The body is an amazing organism. We have to remember it has taken Sharif a long time to get into the condition he was in by the time he was rescued, and it will take a fair amount of time to restore his health. He will probably surprise everyone with how well he heals, however, because he has responded so well and so quickly so far.

[Catherine Sobredo Photography]

You know Sharif is feeling better because he exudes a new self-confidence. His eyes are clearing, now just a hint of sadness, but it is more distant. He’s even a little bit of a ham and a flirt, very happy to have an audience and people telling him how handsome he is. Even the beautiful Miss Nova, Sharif’s stablemate, is beginning to change how she relates to him. Where once she couldn’t stand him, she has moved to haughty tolerance.
Beautiful work, Susan, in both writing and body work! I feel engaged in Sharif’s story, and hope you’ll update from time to time!
My sweet boy is coming along! Stronger and more self-confident every day.
How exciting for you to get to see his progress! Looking forward to seeing him again 🙂
This is so beautiful it makes me cry. I am so happy for you and Sharif. His progress is so wonderful and inspiring. How fortnate to have such wonderful pwoplw to work with his healing process. No wonder he is getting well with all this loving attention. Can’t wait to hear more. Janine
Thanks Aunt Janine! You really MUST come visit! I think you’d feel very at peace here (although I don’t have a pool, but I’d buy a kiddie pool to stick your feet in while you’re here!! haha)
I am soooo hoping to get out there this year and meet Sharif. He looks so much better!
I can’t wait to hear the next report now Sharif is UNDER SADDLE! Go Cindy, go, and congratulations!!!
He’s moving right along isn’t he, Leta? It will be interesting how he has progressed physically since being under saddle. He’s made so many huge shifts in the past months.
I am awaiting your next treatment with baited breath Susan!! I’m really anxious to find out if he’s continued to progress or has digressed due to the limited riding…..
Well, he has a lot of room to move around so he probably will be fine with whatever amount of riding you have done, Cindy! Look forward to seeing you guys!