Monthly Archives: December 2013

Cold hooves, warm heart – holistic equine care for the cold weather

In my previous post, I talked about physical exercises for horses during winter, to avoid “wild and crazy horse behavior.” In this post I’d like to talk about using bodywork to support your horse at any time, but I think it’s very appropriate right now, when movement is difficult for horses because of the footing and the cold weather.


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Managing wild and crazy horse behavior

With the cold weather and difficult footing, horses become very antsy and get “cabin fever.”

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Be true to your horse

We need to stay in our own truth. Admiring experts is wonderful, but even experts can be wrong.

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Working with all six senses and horses

Touch, hearing, sight, scent, taste: the five senses? I wrote about touch last week. It is only one sense that a horse experiences. I would also add “feel/vibrations” to the list, because it isn’t just physical touch, it’s the sixth sense that something or someone is out there, or that horses feel it through the earth.

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The importance of touch in horse work

Touch can change heart rates, calm and nourish. Touch is the way we sometimes make contact when nothing else can work. I remember being in the hospital and having someone touch me in a healing way, just touch, not trying to move me, and it made all the difference in the world. IMG_0440 Continue reading The importance of touch in horse work